Nov 06 2023 46 mins 1
Greer Ralston is Giving it All to Art and filmmaker Rachel Dax is telling her story in a forthcoming documentary film. Dax and Ralston forged a friendship during the Pandemic that has brought their artistic and personal worlds together and chatting with Jules around Greer's dining room table, they share their mutual passion for supporting and championing fellow LGBTQ+ artists.
In this episode, find out what's drawing Greer back to her roots as a figurative painter, how painting clothes is reconnecting her with her community and why Rachel can't wait to shine a new light on her work and the women behind the paintings. Join Jules, Greer and Rachel as they also venture out to see Greer's exhibition, ‘Under The Surface’ on show at the Stirling University Innovation Park.
About Rachel Dax
About Greer Ralston
In this episode, find out what's drawing Greer back to her roots as a figurative painter, how painting clothes is reconnecting her with her community and why Rachel can't wait to shine a new light on her work and the women behind the paintings. Join Jules, Greer and Rachel as they also venture out to see Greer's exhibition, ‘Under The Surface’ on show at the Stirling University Innovation Park.
About Rachel Dax
About Greer Ralston