S5 Ep6: Single, Solo and Co-parenting Special

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Nov 20 2023 50 mins  
In this episode of the podcast we’re doing things a bit differently!

Today I’m talking to a few different people about their experiences of being a part of the workplace whilst navigating the family set up of being a single, solo or co-parent.

There are so many versions of parenthood that are not talked about in the workplace, and whilst we want to honour people’s boundaries, it’s also incredibly important that we pass the mic to those that do want to share.

You’ll hear from:

Rachel* - a co-parent who is in the early days of living separately from the father of her little boy and figuring out her new routines, rediscovering what she needs and re-establishing boundaries. We covered a lot about the assumptions she’s held for herself and some of the practical things we could do to support each other at work.

Elizabeth - a disabled solo parent to her little boy who generously shared her experiences and conversations about how she’s navigated the workplace when met with limiting narratives and beliefs. We called out a myriad of behaviours and Elizabeth gave some really helpful practical advice for both parents and line managers.

Ash - a dad who is co-parenting his little boy, who was incredibly honest about the rollercoaster he’s been on, how his current relationship with his son’s mum is picked over (because they’re on brilliant terms and are maintaining a friendship), the feelings of embarrassment and how there was nothing that could prepare him for having to share his news in the workplace.

There are no links for this one, so all that’s left for me to say is thank you for listening or reading along this series. I hope the stories you’ve been introduced to have brought everything from reassurance to fresh thinking!