Jan 26 2024 25 mins 51
All new Sticky Pickles episode: Your regular guests starts taking rather large liberties, or your new company brochure might have some hidden meanings.
Cosy up with your Sticky Pickles' hosts Carole and Maria as they "attempt" to wiggle out of these all new sticky dilemmas.
Sticky Pickles: inspired by the internet, embellished by us.
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See contact details below!
Home: stickypickles.com
Twitter: @StickyPickles
Instagram: @StickyPicklesPod
Creator, Editor and Producer: Carole Theriault
Writers and Hosts: Carole Theriault and Maria Varmazis
Socials: Maria Varmazis
Cosy up with your Sticky Pickles' hosts Carole and Maria as they "attempt" to wiggle out of these all new sticky dilemmas.
Sticky Pickles: inspired by the internet, embellished by us.
Like what you hear? Rate and review us
It really really helps us reach more people.
How to review a podcast on Apple podcasts
Have suggestions on how we could improve?
Have a story to share?
See contact details below!
Home: stickypickles.com
Twitter: @StickyPickles
Instagram: @StickyPicklesPod
Creator, Editor and Producer: Carole Theriault
Writers and Hosts: Carole Theriault and Maria Varmazis
Socials: Maria Varmazis