Nov 16 2024 105 mins
Roll down the window, put down the top, and crank up Know Your Writes, baby! On a very special episode, Robb and Colton take a slight detour from their regular programming to discuss the Dodger's 2024 World Series win. After that, they'll talk about the lyrical mastery and emotional resonance in Kevin Devine's opus, "Brother's Blood". Other topics include:
- to be honest, there's like 45 minutes of sports talk. Please just know that going in.
- a deep dive into DeFault American's new album!
- why Robb was upset at Mudvayne during the 2001 VMAs
- Colton's breakdown of Kevin Devine's alliteration masterclass
Bands mentioned in this episode:
- Mudvayne
- DeFault American
- Billy Joel
- to be honest, there's like 45 minutes of sports talk. Please just know that going in.
- a deep dive into DeFault American's new album!
- why Robb was upset at Mudvayne during the 2001 VMAs
- Colton's breakdown of Kevin Devine's alliteration masterclass
Bands mentioned in this episode:
- Mudvayne
- DeFault American
- Billy Joel