Feb 14 2025 38 mins
Welcome to archived live stream exploring session for Beware the Cat by William Baldwin. It was live streamed on Robert Crighton's private YouTube channel, but not officially added to the podcast, during the opening of the 2020 plague and, beyond a few minor tweaks, remains as streamed. It's a First Look, so it's rough as such things are, and obviously we've come a long way since then.
This third part covers the Second Oration of Master Streamer.
Following our live reading in 2023, an adaptation of the book is rehearsing now, planning to tour later this year. If you'd like to be kept up to speed with developments, join the Beware the Cat mailing list.
If you're interested in the show coming to your area, get in touch here.
The audio recording of our live adaptation from the Revels season is available now - but it isn't on the pod for the moment. It can be listened to by signing up for free to our Patreon - it won't be released on the podcast as per usual so as not to give away too easily a future production.
Part One can be heard here! Just sign up and listen!
Part Two can be heard here! Just sign up and listen!
Other useful material -
General Beware the Cat material -
Various Cat elements in Gammer Gurton's Needle - https://audioboom.com/playlists/4628938-gammer-gurton-s-needle
For the earlier example of the Dame and her 'magically' transformed daughter, Dame Sirith - https://audioboom.com/posts/8079017-dame-sirith-full-cast-audio-adaptation
For an example of anti-Catholic propaganda of the period - https://audioboom.com/posts/8242513-john-bon-and-master-parson-by-luke-shepherd-full-cast-audio-adaptation
Discussing: Beware the Cat with Dr Rachel Stenner - https://audioboom.com/posts/7252019-discussing-beware-the-cat
Discussing: A Mirror for Magistrates - also by William Baldwin - https://audioboom.com/posts/8456073-discussing-a-mirror-for-magistrates-with-prof-scott-c-lucas
The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – become a patron and you get to choose the plays we work on next. Go to www.patreon.com/beyondshakespeare - or if you'd like to buy us a coffee at ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/beyondshakespeare - or if you want to give us some feedback, email us at [email protected], follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram @BeyondShakes or go to our website: https://beyondshakespeare.org
You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where (most of) our exploring sessions live - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLa4pXxGZFwTX4QSaB5XNdQ
The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton.
This third part covers the Second Oration of Master Streamer.
Following our live reading in 2023, an adaptation of the book is rehearsing now, planning to tour later this year. If you'd like to be kept up to speed with developments, join the Beware the Cat mailing list.
If you're interested in the show coming to your area, get in touch here.
The audio recording of our live adaptation from the Revels season is available now - but it isn't on the pod for the moment. It can be listened to by signing up for free to our Patreon - it won't be released on the podcast as per usual so as not to give away too easily a future production.
Part One can be heard here! Just sign up and listen!
Part Two can be heard here! Just sign up and listen!
Other useful material -
General Beware the Cat material -
Various Cat elements in Gammer Gurton's Needle - https://audioboom.com/playlists/4628938-gammer-gurton-s-needle
For the earlier example of the Dame and her 'magically' transformed daughter, Dame Sirith - https://audioboom.com/posts/8079017-dame-sirith-full-cast-audio-adaptation
For an example of anti-Catholic propaganda of the period - https://audioboom.com/posts/8242513-john-bon-and-master-parson-by-luke-shepherd-full-cast-audio-adaptation
Discussing: Beware the Cat with Dr Rachel Stenner - https://audioboom.com/posts/7252019-discussing-beware-the-cat
Discussing: A Mirror for Magistrates - also by William Baldwin - https://audioboom.com/posts/8456073-discussing-a-mirror-for-magistrates-with-prof-scott-c-lucas
The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – become a patron and you get to choose the plays we work on next. Go to www.patreon.com/beyondshakespeare - or if you'd like to buy us a coffee at ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/beyondshakespeare - or if you want to give us some feedback, email us at [email protected], follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram @BeyondShakes or go to our website: https://beyondshakespeare.org
You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where (most of) our exploring sessions live - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLa4pXxGZFwTX4QSaB5XNdQ
The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton.