Feb 14 2025 49 mins 269
The future of the cash Isa has been in the spotlight of late, with rumours the Chancellor could tinker with one of Britain's best loved tax breaks.
It's believed some city bosses are lobbying her to make the limit less generous, and push more people into investing their money instead.
While just speculation, it's a move that would certainly ruffle a few feathers.
This week, Lee Boyce, Georgie Frost and Angharad Carrick discuss the future of Isas and ask: Should people with cash parked in savings accounts be strong-armed into investing instead?
Elsewhere, Octopus has launched an investment platform where you can buy into a wind turbine - is it a good home for your cash?
Council tax has been in the spotlight, with some areas seeing increases in annual bills of up to 9.9% - and with it a social movement to cancel direct debits. Here's why that's not a wise move.
Ang spoke to Virgin Media O2's customer service boss about their pledge to turn around their poor performance over the years. Will we just be shoved to chatbots?
And does living in a hard water area make energy bills more expensive?
It's believed some city bosses are lobbying her to make the limit less generous, and push more people into investing their money instead.
While just speculation, it's a move that would certainly ruffle a few feathers.
This week, Lee Boyce, Georgie Frost and Angharad Carrick discuss the future of Isas and ask: Should people with cash parked in savings accounts be strong-armed into investing instead?
Elsewhere, Octopus has launched an investment platform where you can buy into a wind turbine - is it a good home for your cash?
Council tax has been in the spotlight, with some areas seeing increases in annual bills of up to 9.9% - and with it a social movement to cancel direct debits. Here's why that's not a wise move.
Ang spoke to Virgin Media O2's customer service boss about their pledge to turn around their poor performance over the years. Will we just be shoved to chatbots?
And does living in a hard water area make energy bills more expensive?