Dec 20 2023 72 mins 2
RUN TIME: 73 Minutes.
RELEASE DATE: Dec 20, 2023
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All instruments, songs, production, mastering, and cover art: Michael W. Dean.
Cover art includes some astrophotography I did of the Pleiades / Messier 45.
Low-Speed Stampede (19 TET)
Meridian Flip Out (mohajira-to-slendro. From Mohajira to Aeolian and Slendros)
Liminal Space Ape with Baritone Sax (fortuna a2…Clem Fortuna, Arabic mode of 24-TET)
Sheep Chalk Scarlet Letter (chargah pentachord 7 limit,
elfkeenanismic7 aka Keenanismic tempered [8/7, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, 8/5, 7/4,
2] = cross_7, 284et tuning)
Octopus Motor is Missing (Lydian Diatonic)
Photographing the Dust on the Fabric of the Universe (ED2-30 aka 30 EDO)
I’ll Be Your Guide Star (12 TET, not microtonal)
Get pastable BipTunia street art, PDF download
Album cover high-rez click below: