#1220 – Paul Bleau, Jefferson Morley, Dr. David Mantik

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Oct 10 2024 107 mins   16


  • Paul Bleau discusses his book “Chokeholds”

  • New Research in JFK assassination and regime change of the 1950s and 60s

  • From Operation Gladio to Iran Contra many of the same players…

  • Capa conference Update

  • New book from Paul Abbott Death To Justice

  • Paul recently returned from France where he visited the radio station in Berlitz.

  • Paul had a copy of Chokeholds that he took with him to the radio station, helping secure an interview.

  • The French are still very interested in the JFK assassination research & curious about Trump.

  • All of the towns that Paul visited, had a Kennedy St., Kennedy Blvd., Kennedy Rd., etc..

  • Jim has invited Paul to speak on a panel at the CAPA upcoming conference in Dallas this November.

  • Paul is also a confirmed returning speaker at the 2024 Lancer conference in Dallas.

  • Paul is involved in a joint research project with Jeff Meek & Dave Boylan.

  • Over 100 JFK researchers who are extremely knowledgeable participated in a survey.

  • Information collected from the survey focused on the who, why, how, timeline etc..

  • There are several personal interviews with researchers & authors discussing the survey data.

  • Information was also collected from historic JFK investigators like Gaeton Fonzi, Garrison, Prouty etc..

  • 2019’s petition describes the skeleton of the assassination & had over 2,500 supporting signatures.

  • The people who signed the petition feel the JFK assassination was a change of regime.

  • Dave Boylan has created ORC charts for the people of interest in 1963 including intelligence agencies.

  • The same compromised people keep popping up repeatedly in global events.

  • There were approximately 20 different regime changes from Operation Gladio to the Iran Contra.

  • David Atlee Phillips was a “regime changer”, participating in Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs, JFK, etc..

  • Paul Abbott created a master index for the Garrison files, a very valuable tool for researchers.

  • Len offers the Jim Garrison files & Pauls spreadsheets for FREE! Just email him!

  • Look for the upcoming book by Paul Abbott, ‘Death To Justice, The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald’.

  • Paul breaks down who & where everyone was located during the Oswald assassination.

  • How was Jack Ruby helped in his mission to silence Lee Harvey Oswald? Who helped him?

  • What was Lee Harvey Oswald’s path to the police basement on November 24, 1963?

  • Why are the depictions of Ruby by the Warren Commission & the HSCA so different?

  • Jefferson Morley was in contact with whistleblower(s) regarding secret JFK files.

  • In the secret files, there is a section regarding Oswald & Mexico City back in September 1963.

  • Paul Paterni, James Angleton & Warren Commission liason were all OSS friends.

  • Trump & Biden both broke the law by not declassifying remaining JFK files.

  • The ARRB was supposed to have access to all of the JFK files, yet CIA still hid documents.

  • Trump told Judge Andrew Napolitano that he was unable to release the remaining classified JFK files.

  • Why are students currently being mislead & deceived about JFK assassination history?

    Part Two @1:05 Jefferson Morley

  • Whistle blower admits a room “full JFK files”

  • Source admits CIA meant to deliberatly decieve the public and researchers

  • Read Article Here

  • CIA behind the cover-up of the assassination

  • James Clapper lied to all of America – no one bats an eye

  • New online course from Jefferson Details Here

  • The Oswald File

  • CIA operators who monitored Oswald’s movements from 1959 to 1963.


    Part Three starts @ 01:28:13

  • Dr. David Mantik to speak at Details Here

  • His website The Mantik View

  • Pays tribute to Dr. Cyril Wecht

  • Dr. Mantik latest book The Final Analysis:

  • Discusses the source for Jefferson Morley’s article

  • CIA office in Herndon Virginia holds records for the assassination

  • He was SCIF employee for the CIA

  • CIA was worried about Dan Hardway

  • George Joaniddies called out retirement to hide the truth of CIA involvement

  • Dr. Mantik wants the source to reveal more, as he know the source !