Jul 30 2023 23 mins
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I talk about:
- Talking in public
- American Beauty
- Movies
- No Influencers
- Training your kids in smut
- Saying wrong thing
- Street Content
- Endless entities
- Pigeons
- MMRP on the Street
- Dogs
- Charities
- Child authors
- The way fat people are treated
- J Walking
- Glass
- Not talking to people
- Soda
- My camera
- Paranoia
- Negatives of weed
- New chair
- Toothpicks
- Fauci
- Plastics
- True American Life
- Pollution
- Sex Story
- Morally righteous
- Down syndrome abortion
- Pussy eugenics
- Famous Scientists
- Giant Cocks
- Leg shaking
- Morning Boy
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: @MattMillerReal
#funny #MattMiller #comedy
I talk about:
- Talking in public
- American Beauty
- Movies
- No Influencers
- Training your kids in smut
- Saying wrong thing
- Street Content
- Endless entities
- Pigeons
- MMRP on the Street
- Dogs
- Charities
- Child authors
- The way fat people are treated
- J Walking
- Glass
- Not talking to people
- Soda
- My camera
- Paranoia
- Negatives of weed
- New chair
- Toothpicks
- Fauci
- Plastics
- True American Life
- Pollution
- Sex Story
- Morally righteous
- Down syndrome abortion
- Pussy eugenics
- Famous Scientists
- Giant Cocks
- Leg shaking
- Morning Boy
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: @MattMillerReal
#funny #MattMiller #comedy