Dec 20 2023 23 mins
Tis' the season of corporate layoffs. Re-sharing one of the most downloaded podcasts in 2022 with an updated intro for 2023.
You just got fired. Now what?
No matter how it happened, being fired hurts. It feels personal. Whether you want it or not you are forced to make a change. But what if getting fired could be a catalyst? What if this could be the greatest thing to happen for you?
On today's episode we will explore:
- This is a loss. What the stages of grief look like after a termination
- Importance of sitting in your feelings
- Recognizing when you are ready to begin ideating on your next chapter
- Exercises to maximize learnings
- How to leverage your insights and network to begin your new chapter
Exercise Resources:
- Postmortem - Pages 4-6
- Design Your Career Starter Pack (includes QXR Template + Foundations Workbook (use code EOY2023 for 50% off)
- QXR Template
- Book a QXR 1:1 coaching session
Links Referenced in Podcast