Oct 15 2024 33 mins
We often think that saving more means spending less, aligning our mindset with frugality. However, wealth is much like blood circulation in the body just as lack of movement makes the body sick, hoarding money causes financial stagnation, limiting growth and abundance. To live a truly wealthy and abundant life, money needs to keep flowing. Spend on what you genuinely desire, without feeling guilty or worrying about saving for bad times. In fact, if you're saving for emergencies, you might unconsciously be expecting one. Spending isn't always about material things; it can be about investing too, whether in mutual funds, shares, or real estate. By circulating your wealth, you create opportunities for growth. The path to becoming rich and abundant lies in "churning" actively putting your money to work. This episode shares a mythological story of Lord Krishna and his follower King Arjun, offering insights on how to cultivate a mindset of mindful abundance. Listen in to learn how 'churning more' can help you 'earn more.'
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