Dec 19 2024 65 mins
Elizabeth and Paul take a lucky dip approach to the card resource '50 Acts of Professional Self-Care' developed by Siobhan McLean of Kirwin Mc Lean Associates and Self-Care Psychology and pull out some cards at random to prompt discussion.
More information on this resource is available via Twitter @SelfCarePsy, via facebook @selfcarepsychology or at
Two exercises mentioned at the end and drawn from the above resource are:
The Equal Breathing Exercise
Equalising breathing can calm the body and mind very effectively, and can be great to do at times of stress. It is taken from the Yoga tradition where it is known as Sama-Vritti, and also backed by scientific observation.
To prepare you can lie down, sit up straight, or stand up straight, then;
- Breathe in through your nose for a count of 4
- Pause
- Exhale for a count of 4
- Repeat for a few minutes, or as long as you feel comfortable.
The Passive Progressive Relaxation Exercise
Used to help people achieve deep relaxation. It can be done at work (e.g. at your desk). For best results it is best to lie flat, however. The best way to experience this is via a recording, and there are may versions of the exercise available free online (e.g. on YouTube) You will be guided through each area of your body, relaxing each as you progress through the exercise.
If you’d like to find our more or obtain a transcript of this episode, contact Elizabeth via or Paul [email protected]