How do you explain sustainable nanotechnology using art? Last fall the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology collaborated with Lifeology, an online platform that connects scientists and artists, to create a public-friendly "mini-course" called "What happens to nanoparticles in the environment?". On this episode of the podcast, CSN graduate students and course co-authors Stephanie Mitchell and Paige Kinsley talk with artist Elfy Chiang about her journey as an artist, working with scientists, and the excitement that can happen when collaborators surprise each other.
Artist Elfy Chiang (top left) and interviewers Paige Kinsley (top right) and Stephanie Mitchell (bottom) along with two examples of Elfy's artwork from "What happens to nanoparticles in the environment?"
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Cartoon nanoparticle from the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology's Lifeology course, "What happens to nanoparticles in the environment?" (image by Elfy Chiang)
Related links:
- Elfy Chiang: Elfyland Studios website, Twitter, Instagram
- Lifeology: homepage, What happens to nanoparticles in the environment?
- Paige Kinsley: website, Twitter
- Stephanie Mitchell: website, Twitter
- Blog post Why shouldn't we toss Lithium ion batteries in the trash? by Merve Doğangün
- The Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology
Interviewee: Elfy Chiang
Interviewers: Stephanie Mitchell & Paige Kinsley
Producer/Host: Miriam Krause
Music: PC III and Dexter Britain
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology, grant number CHE-2001611. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this podcast are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the participating institutions.