What do nanotechnology, blacksmithing, and Star Wars have in common? In this episode, we talk with Dr. Suveen Mathaudhu about a range of topics from medical applications of materials science to metallurgy in The Mandalorian.
Zoom screen shot of Dr. Mathaudhu showing off his Armorer action figure (complete with her blacksmithing tools)
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Related links:
- Suveen Mathaudhu: website, Twitter
- This is the Way: Tracing the Path between Damascus Steel and Beskar by Suveen N. Mathaudhu, Eric M. Taleff, & Jeffrey Wadsworth. 2022, JOM 74, 4466-4478
- Scale of Scientific Monsters
- Podcast episode: Ep 4. Nano Superheros: At the Interface of Art and Science
- The Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology
Interviewee: Suveen Mathaudhu
Producer/Host: Miriam Krause
Editor: Jack Rahill
Music: PC III and Dexter Britain
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology, grant number CHE-2001611. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this podcast are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the participating institutions.