Mar 02 2025 71 mins 13
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- A new Marvel and DC explosive crossover is coming!
- Marvel sheds new light on ‘Death of Silver Surfer' #1
- New Ghost Machine titles announced by Brad Meltzer, Geoff Johns, and Gene Ha
- Image Comics joins upcoming comics app 'Sweet Shop'
- New DC Universe Infinite monthly Ultra Tier subscription launched
- New 'H2SH' preview pages reveal Jim Lee's Batman and more
Our Top Books of the Week
- Absolute Wonder Woman #5 (Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman)
- Fantastic Four #29 (Ryan North, Cory Smith)
- Radiant Black #31 (Kyle Higgins, Joe Clark, Eduardo Ferigato, Rod Fernandes, Becca Carey)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #7 (Jason Aaron and Juan Ferrerya)
Standout KAPOW moment of the week:
CJ - Hellhunters #3 (Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Adam Gorham - last page!)
Dave - Ultimate Spider-Man 14 (Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checcheto)
- CJ: Secret Six #1 (
- Dave: Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #11 (Stephanie Phillips, Paolo Villanelli)
Dave: The Ultimates #10 (Mateus Manhanini)
CJ: The Terminator #5 (Declan Shalvey)
Interview: Tyler Boss You’ll Do Bad Things #1 out March 26, with artist Adriano Turtulici
- What inspired you to blend the true crime genre with the pulpy, neon-soaked aesthetic of Giallo films in You’ll Do Bad Things?
- How did the concept of a true crime writer whose fictional murders start happening in real life come to life? Was it your own writers block?
- Can you describe the creative journey behind developing Seth Holms as a character struggling to write a happy ending?
- The comic is described as a "love letter to the Italian slasher genre"—how have films like those of Dario Argento influenced your storytelling and visuals?
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- How do you balance the elements of horror, gore, and B-horror camp with a critique of our cultural obsession with true crime?
- I really liked how, in a scene set in the narrative, you call back to the fact we’re in the story within the story via lettering, was that in the script or Hassan’s idea?
- With He Came in with a Smile as a backdrop, how does Seth’s past impact the unfolding narrative in this new miniseries?
- What are some of the challenges you faced while infusing both literary and cinematic influences into a cohesive comic book experience?
- In what ways do you hope readers engage with the commentary on true crime fandom as they dive into this dark, twisted world?
- If you discovered that your own stories were coming to life, which character from 'You'll Do Bad Things' would you least want to encounter in a dark alley, and how would you try to escape their clutches?