May 16 2024 55 mins 2
Shanna Peeples is the Dr. John G. O’Brien distinguished chair in education at West Texas A&M university. In 2015 she was awarded USA National Teacher of the Year for her work at Palo Duro High School, which earned her an opportunity to meet and be personally lauded by President Obama. She now has her own wikipedia page, much to the chagrin of our co-host, Jal Mehta! Highlights from the conversation include: Shanna reflecting on meeting President Obama, and how her time as a DJ sparked a candid conversation with the commander in chief; a short anecdote where Shanna got to meet First Lady, Jill Biden; why ideas once thought to be settled in education are suddenly up for debate - most glaringly, the purpose of school; the political divide driving conflict in schools; how a trip to Lebanon has left Shanna "condemned to hope;" why bringing K-12 administrators to congress will result in more political theater instead of an opportunity to actually engage in productive dialogue around real issues affecting schools; the importance of storytelling when defining your own purpose and values; a few fun football metaphors; and a Texas-themed lightning round.
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