Feb 06 2025 20 mins 8
In this episode, Frankie Tortora and Steve Folland have a chat in response to a question from Katie Beardsley — Owner at Willow & Woods, Life of Sprout, and And Other Memories:
Katie says:
“Hi Frankie & Steve,
I'm at a stage with my business where I know what I want to be doing and where it is going, but I need to get myself out there more.
With 3 young kids, 3 small businesses, a dog and a tortoise... I don't need to tell you, but I really don't have the time to be doing the marketing that I need to be doing. Especially as I am useless at it and don't really know what I'm doing!
So I'm thinking about hiring some PR help but this doesn't come cheap. I'm sitting on the fence, umming and ahhing over it because I know that I *can* do it myself, but I don't want to get it wrong. But I also don’t want to spend money on something that might not work (which has happened in the past).
So after my very long intro — my question is this:
How do you know when the right time to be spending money on a business is? Are there certain markers I should be reaching financially, or audience wise before I consider signing up to what is likely to be a minimum 3-month contract? What do I do? My brain is going round and round in circles!
What would your advice be? Let us know your thoughts using #DIFTKpodcast on Twitter and Instagram, and join in the conversation via the DIFTK Community.
Willow and Woods website
Frankie Tortora's website
Steve Folland's website
Steve's podcast - Being Freelance