Sep 06 2022 102 mins 29
A supercut of all season 1 episodes for convenient bingeing.
George Orwell has rented a getaway cottage on a remote Scottish island to finish work on his groundbreaking novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Unfortunately, he finds he's been double-booked with the last person he'd choose to take a holiday with—his annoying literary nemesis, H. G. Wells! An argument about the destiny of humanity and the right way to make a cup of tea escalates into an aeon-spanning adventure of time travel and political machination, as Orwell conspires with other classic dystopian science fiction authors to use Wells's time-travel technology to shape the world into the dark future of their own books.
This omnibus episode includes all six main episodes of Untrue Stories' first season, plus its three bonus mini-episodes, two of which have been integrated into the main continuity and the third of which is included as a post-credit scene. The episodes are linked together with short music cues, leaving all the credits to the end. There have also been numerous improvements to audio quality, particularly in the earlier episodes.
- Episode 1: A Nice Cup of Tea (0:00:58—0:14:27)
- Episode 2: The Wheels of Chance (0:14:30—0:28:15)
- Episode 3: Battle Ground (0:28:19—0:33:21 and 0:34:58—0:40:06)
- Mini-episode #1: Evil George Orwell (0:33:20—0:34:59)
- Episode 4: How a Nation Is Exploited (0:40:09—0:56:17)
- Episode 5: Man Becomes a Different Animal (0:56:20—1:11:02)
- Episode 6: The Wonderful Visit (1:11:05—1:21:50 and 1:27:59—1:33:33)
- Mini-episode #2: Exile to Hell (1:21:51—1:27:58)
- Mini-episode #3: The Telescreen Programme: Newspeak Phrasebook (post-credit scene) (1:37:02—1:42:21)
- Robin Johnson as George Orwell
- Patrick Spragg as H. G. Wells
- Joanna Lawrie as Mrs Watchett
- Tara Court as Julia
- Liselle Nic Giollabháin as Captain Rutherford
- Simon Beck as Aldous Huxley
- Alexander Walsh as Yevgeny Zamyatin, Isaac Asimov and the radio/telescreen announcer
- David Court as Ray Bradbury
- Alex Noussias as Margaret Atwood
- Canavan Connolly as Nebogipfel the Morlock
- Rachel Pulliam as Ursula Le Guin
- Eve Morris as the joycamp commander and Oldspeak interpreter
- Additional voices by Robin, Eve and Alexander
Sound effects were sourced from freesound dot org, and include sounds made by the users alecbark, anagar, caitlin-100, ccomics88, deleted-user-56114036, djgriffin, fabrizio84, fillsoko, floodmix, hasean, ikbenraar, inchadney, inspectorj, iwanplay, juanfg, katelyn100, keweldog, keithpeter, m1a2t3z4, mootmcnoodles, prim-ordial, panska-tlolkova-matilda, sin2xv0, sophielhall3535, soundsnapfx, timbre, vpp-2015, webbfilmsuk, and wlabarron. Original music was by Robin Johnson. The Internationale (as used as accompaniment for Oceania, 'Tis For Thee) was a public domain recording by the Belinskogo Radio Orchestra.
A transcript of this omnibus episode is available here.
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14 September 2022: This episode has been updated to enhance audio.
Robin can be contacted at [email protected]. Share and Enjoy!