Feb 03 2024 27 mins
Hello, and welcome to the nonprofit narrative podcast, the go-to space for marketing managers and development directors passionate about taking their nonprofits to new heights. I'm your host, Dan Portnoy high. In each episode, we will dive into the world of nonprofit storytelling, donor engagement, and fundraising strategies; whether you want to refine your narrative, boost your fundraising efforts, or seek inspiration guidance, you're in the right place. So today, we'll be exploring some innovative tips, practical ideas, and success stories whenever you never know where we will go. But today, I want to talk about welcome videos. Welcome videos are a great thing to talk about in February because in January, you know, we're getting ourselves back together after a crazy December, and you take a breather, and then you got to think about, alright, what are we doing? What are we doing for this year? What's our strategic planning looking like? When was that all coming together? Well, our theme for the month in The Nonprofit Narrative Academy is strategic planning. So I want to talk about that. But that'll be coming up a little later this month. And we've got an I've got a great guest in Kristen Spiro, who's going to be telling us talking to us about strategic communication. And then also later this month, I've got my brother, and you say, oh, nepotism, and I say, Well if your brother is really good at a thing, you should let him talk about his thing. And he's really good at graphic design. He has just an incredible eye for design. So we're going to talk about design. And we will talk about all that goes with it and what it conveys. So that's going to be some great font later this month. Okay, so let's talk about welcome videos. Well, I had a crazy idea a couple of years ago, and as a writer, I know that sometimes I come up with ideas, and they're half-baked, so I need to let them ruminate. And sometimes that takes a long time. So, actually, it did. It took a long time tyranny of the urgent and some the things, and I came up with the idea that I should want to talk about things like welcome videos and just a lot of the kinds of sins of nonprofits in general. But the tough part about doing it is that it usually means trashing a nonprofit or trying to block out everything they did, like all their logos, and then talking about it. And so, instead of doing that, I've created a fictional nonprofit called Unfriend the Children. And you can visit unfriend the children.com or.org. And you'll find my website. And so it's the more we do about this. This year, we will talk about all the different things that Unfriend The Children is going to do wrong. And it's just easier when I'm making all the mistakes to talk about it instead of somebody who's really trying very hard to get something out into the world. And then I trash it. So that's what I decided to do. So, with that, I decided to do a quick welcome video, and I want to talk about some of the sins of this welcome video.