Aug 05 2024 70 mins
This podcast covers New Girl Season 4, Episode 14, Swuit, which originally aired on February 3, 2015 and was written by Noah Garfinkel and directed by Trent O'Donnell.
Here’s a quick recap of the episode:
Nick and Schmidt have brought their old company, Schnick Industries, to life and are trying to sell a new product. Meanwhile, Coach and Winston help Cece pay for college.
This episode got a 9/10 rating from both Kritika and Kelly; Kritika’s favorite character was Schnick Industries and Kelly’s favorite was Jess.
While not discussed in the podcast, we noted other references in this episode including:
- Lori Greiner - Nick and Schmidt had a pitch meeting with Lori Greiner. We also featured her as the guest star in this episode.
- Hewlett Packard - While bickering, Schmidt said, “You think Hewlett had to put up with this crap from Packard? Think Again.”
- Howard Hughes / Spruce Goose - Schmidt told Nick he can’t be “loosey-goosey”, which prompted Nick to say that Howard Hughes invented the Loose-Goose. However, Schmidt corrected that the plane was called the “Spruce-Goose”. But Nick did know that the plane did fly “for over a mile at an altitude of 72 feet!”
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Kai wanted to have “Ninja Turtle sex” with backpacks on with Nick.
- David Hockney - While discussing Cece’s classes at school, Winston and Coach asked “What you gonna do, Cece, join the South African space program and be the first woman to put a David Hockney painting on the moon?”
- Batman and Robin - By the end of the episode, Nick and Schmidt felt like they were “Batman and Robin”, but both wanted to be Batman.
Thanks for listening and stay tuned for Episode 15!
Music: "Hotshot” by
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