Episode 6: You Will Not Have To Do This Alone

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Jul 10 2024 27 mins   7

[1] “There are no words” is a poem Miriam wrote on January 6, 2021.

[2] “You are Not Alone” by Ric Hordinski; you can watch this gorgeous rendition here.

[3] Psalm 23, we used the same translation here as we did in Ari’s episode, which is the poetic and non-gendered translation by Rabbi Richard Levy. But, Miriam was reading from the JPS translation of Psalm 23 at the time, which you can find here.

[4] Miriam mentions the funeral and shiva minyan. Typically, in a traditional Jewish burial, the funeral is followed by seven days of mourning, marked by “minyanim” services in your home to share in the grief. Learn more about the content and role of shiva minyanim here.

[5] She also mentions Kugel. Yum! Here are some favorite savory, and sweet recipes and seven other variations. Kugel is a diverse dish with many options!

[6] This episode mentions Jonah's story —his call to speak truth in Nineveh and his avoidance of that call. It’s worth reading if you haven’t done so in a while; you can find it here or watch a 4-minute animated version here!

[7] When Miriam says there is no hierarchy in Jewish practice and that none is more Jewish than the other… that’s just her opinion. And, Judaism Unbounds! But it isn’t necessarily a mainstream understanding of Jewish organizational practice.

[8] Miriam off-handedly drops the line that she made movies with her congregation. Just so we’re on the same page, that’s … very out of the box. Most synagogues are not creating movies about Jewish organizational theory. Interested? There are close to 60 different videos, but here are a few links to our favorites: The way we’ve always done it demon, The Little Table, Be Someone Else, Our Vision, “The Musical.”

[9] Miriam uses the word tribe a lot in this episode, which makes us think of this awesome movie by Tiffany Shlain, “The Tribe.” Trust us, it will be the best 18 minutes you’ll have all week!

[10] We can’t get enough of Benay’s crash theory up in this house! Watch it over and over, we do. Here’s the long version.