Sep 26 2022 118 mins 10
Welcome back to Technically Queer, a podcast where Cass inserts intros into the most inappropriate spaces. This week on TQ, the four enbies dive into the mysteries of the internet.
- Copper Union
- Eero
- TP-Link AC500 Wireless Controller
- Amazon's iRobot Deal Would Give It Maps Inside Millions of Homes | WIRED
- Carrot's take
- Why does trans twitter keep rehashing the same drama
- Theyfab drama
- My son is gay video
- Follow up: iOS 16 beta
- request: iMessage adhd sidebar
- Battery indicator
- Riverdale
- Facebook Gave Nebraska Cops A Teen's DMs So They Could Prosecute Her For Having An Abortion
- Humans need not apply
- Showly Chip
- Bryan: learning Java from Angie Jones, Java Script, and Python
- Quinn got their computer back!
- Cass
- Shortcuts and angry noises
- javascript
- Alex: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Find us at @TQPodFM or send us feedback at [email protected] (or [email protected])
- Alex:
- Bryan: @blackqueeriroh
- Cass: @still_not_rick
- Quinn: