Oct 17 2022 98 mins 8
- Alex is AWOI
- Television!
- She-Hulk
- The Boys
- Battlestar Galactica
- One Piece
- Daffodil (Quinn’s Doppleganger)
- Podcast Speed
- Podcast Protest
- Bryan's on 2.5 podcasts this weekend:
- The Labeled Podcast
- Absolotuely Crushed
Follow Up
Listener feedback
- Coffee talk w/ Quinn
- Daylight Savings (sucks)
- Problematic(?) Directors
- Dennis Villeneuve
- David Cronenberg
- Book Talk
- Brandon Sanderson
- Problematic Fave: Orson Scott Card
- Paper Girls
- How to Lose The Time War
- The Merro Tree
- Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir
- Artist consent and compensation
- Music and queerness (Spotify called Quinn out )
- Quinn sad in a bathtub: https://twitter.com/holopollock/status/1477459501708034050?s=20&t=IiCO-ArF1aI3dqVnbz9Nkw
- Potato the Musicals
- Paying attention to bigots on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vaspider/status/1552487343235293186?s=21&t=SZQ8pQg_cf5Fz8zpIrH_ag
- Stacked screens kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/747287659/geminos-stacked-screens-for-enhanced-productivity/description
- Cortex Brand (episode about their first journal?)
- Explain like I’m straight: AI Image Generators and the problem with training AI

Showly Chip
- Cass: Planta
- Nicole Byer
- Quinn: Vancouver Queer Film Festival
- Bryan: Internet
- [Sonos](https://www.sonos.com/en-us/home)
Find us at @TQPodFM or send us feedback at [email protected] or [email protected]
Bryan: @blackqueeriroh
Cass: @still_not_rick
Quinn: holopollock.net