Oct 26 2020 183 mins 4
Our guests discussing the book today are:
Terence, Ricardo (Ricky) Castaneda, and Edward (Ed) Benavidez, show them some love for coming on!
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If you would like to hear more, find our previous podcast with Terence: https://beyond-the-physics.simplecast.com/episodes/ep1-terence
and with Edward Benavidez: https://beyond-the-physics.simplecast.com/episodes/10-edward-benavidez
Rough Timestamps
00:02:30 - 00:08:30 : Introductions + Synopsis + First Impressions
00:09:15 - 00:12:45 : Defining Panpsychism
00:12:45 - 00:16:30 : Defining Consciousness (Chapter 1)
00:16:30 - 00:19:30 : Is memory necessary for consciousness?
00:19:30 - 00:30:30 : Decision making fundamental to consciousness (viruses conscious)?
00:30:30 - 00:41:30 :Unit of Consciousness (Consciousness Particle?)
00:42:30 - 00:59:30 : Can we tell if someone/something is conscious from the outside?
01:00:30 - 01:20:30 : Binding
01:22:15 - 01:50:30: Sense of Self, Split brain, boundary of consciousness
01:51:30 - 02:01:30: Is consciousness useful? Must it exist? (back to consciousness from the outside)
02:02:00 - 02:28:30 : Consciousness and Time (Presentism vs Eternalism, Nature of Time, Physics lesson)
02:30:00 - End : Higher levels of consciousness?
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