Jan 19 2025 18 mins 4
January 2025 - Week 3 - DAR Today Podcast
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
President General Pamela Edwards Rouse Wright
Brooke Bullmaster Stewart, National Chair DAR Today Podcast
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To support the goals and mission of the DAR, please visit our web site at DAR.org/Giving
In This Episode:
- Junior American Citizens Committee Overview
- Junior American Citizens Committee; Sparkling Examples of Chapter Activities, featuring:
- The Reverend John Andrew Chapter, Watkinsville, GA; Chapter Co-Chairs Emily Givens and Christine Mills. Details on the "President Who? Event, see below
- Williamsburg Virginia Chapter Junior American Citizens; Chapter Chair Mary Dougherty
- Sophia Fleming Chapter, FL; Chapter Chair Katie Lane
- Old Glory Chapter, TN
- Halifax Convention Chapter, NC
- Utah State Society
- Peter Minuit Chapter, NY
- Rainbow River Chapter, FL
”President Who?” Event details, Reverend John Andrew Chapter JAC:
February 8, 2025, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. - Oak Hall: 4721 Price Mill Rd, Bishop, GA 30621
For the 9th year in a row, UGA Archivist DR. MICHAEL LAW will present a humorous, history-filled lecture on the trials and triumphs of a former Commander-in-Chief. An "1876 Centennial Parade Banner of George Washington and His Horse" will be on display as well as JAC member-drawn likenesses of presidents from earlier lectures. Refreshments include samplings of past presidents' favorite desserts. RSVP by February 6, [email protected] The Reverend John Andrew Chapter NSDAR established Watkinsville's JAC in 2012.
Junior American Citizens Club Handout: https://www.dar.org/system/files/members/darnet/forms/JAC-1012.pdf
Junior American Citizens Committee information on our DAR Public web site: https://www.dar.org/national-society/education/youth-programs
With the exception of "America the Beautiful" by Stephen Anderson https://stephenandersonmusic.com/ all music is copyright free and provided by Epidemic Sound
Songs in this episode:
- Opening Monologue song 1: "Don't Let this Moment End" by Jackie Martin
- Opening Monologue song 2: "Fool's Paradise" by Ofelia Moore
- JAC Segment, song 1: "One Land, One Heart" by Brightarm Orchestra
- JAC Segment, song 2: "America the Beautiful" by Stephen Anderson
- JAC Segment, song 3: "When Sun Meets Moon" by Gavin Luke
- JAC Segment, song 4: "If You Love Her" by Million Eyes
- JAC Segment, song 5 and Closing: "Today is a Good Day to Live" by John T. Graham
For more information about the Daughters of the American Revolution, please visit DAR.org
To support the goals and mission of the DAR, please visit our web site at DAR.org/Giving
All music free of copyright and provided through Epidemic Sound! Check out this amazing source for music at https://share.epidemicsound.com/xr2blv