Nov 13 2024 42 mins
About 15 years ago, organizations knew they needed data governance but faced a branding problem. People hated the term. Stewart Bond coined “data intelligence” to describe intelligence about data and shift the governance conversation – and a category was born. Today, data intelligence represents a $9B+ market.
This concept has given rise to the "data intelligence stack," which includes data cataloging, data quality management, and data product hubs, all of which play vital roles in AI model development.
Looking ahead, big changes are coming. IDC predicts that by 2028, the Chief Data Officer’s role will rival the CIO’s in shaping technology investments. In this episode, Satyen and Stewart dive into the components of data intelligence, the growing importance of data products, and key insights from IDC's recent MarketScape evaluation.
“We talk about the modern data environment as being highly distributed. Data is all over the place. It's very diverse. There's so many different kinds of data that we're dealing with today. It's also very dynamic. That data is always moving and it's always changing. I think data intelligence as a category, as a capability, there's always going to be that need to have the intelligence about the data that the organization manages in the modern data environment available. That is visible across all the different places the data lives in that modern data environment.” – Stewart Bond
Time Stamps
*(04:54): What is data intelligence?
*(09:49): The rise of the data marketplace
*(13:01): How will AI impact the data intelligence market?
*(25:54): Is the Chief Data Officer role in trouble? Or is it growing in prominence?
*(38:40): What is the IDC MarketScape?
*(41:14): Satyen’s takeaways
This podcast is presented by Alation.
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