Diana YK Chan is a a renowned Business Growth Strategist, Personal Branding and Networking Expert.
Cultural Background
Diana is of Chinese descent.
Favorite Self Confidence Quote
Confidence is your best accessory.
Definition of Self Confidence
Self-confidence is being authentic and being in alignment.
Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence
Diana felt quiet, timid and shy. She also went through self-doubt many times.
The “AHA” Moment
Diana went through coaching training for becoming a life coach and career coach. Her coach told her to stop living the life for herself and start living life for herself. Diana learned to stop seeking approval from her parents which allowed her to design her life in her terms.
Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence
Diana is happy and more fulfilled in her life because she loves what does as a business coach. She has also lived by this mantra, "the more time off I take, the more money I make."
The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener
Get clear on what is truly important with you and what truly matters and make it a non-negotiable.
Interview Links
If you would like to connect with Sheena, here is the following:
Connect with me: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok | LinkedIn | YouTube | Website
P.S. If you are looking for ways to help women in your company increase their self-confidence to become effective leaders, you can contact me as I hold workshops and talks on this subject. You can contact me here.
P.P.S. Preorder my upcoming book Bridging the Confidence Gap. Click here to preorder your copy of the book
P.P.P.S. Order my book Wiley today. Click here to order your copy of the book.
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