091 - Activating the Inner Conclave

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Jan 03 2025 58 mins   1

A glance at the headlines today often brings a deep sense of sadness about the escalating violence in many parts of the world, along with an urgent inner inquiry: what can one person do to promote peace, both within themselves and the global community?

Several Portals conversations and, most recently, the first chapters of Portals Into the Soul, offered the insight that every human is born with natural qualities and higher connections that form a powerful inner source of intelligence and capabilities. This Inner Conclave of our many inner lives is a ready resource to assist in any dimension of our planetary experience. Even, and maybe especially, in the quest for peace.

The Inner Conclave is not just an exercise in visualization. It is the energetic content and consciousness that can illuminate and transform our lives. The Conclave’s three levels, or octaves, of process include releasing and healing, learning and developing, and higher communion.

Engaging with the Inner Conclave can update and rewire our internal operating system and expand its capacity to welcome new qualities and natures, including deep well-being and peace. Imagine that we are integrated with every other human through our higher universal nature. Imagine then that creating our own inner peace can heal and transform the energetic networks and communities that connect us all.

Let’s take a deeper look at the amazing capabilities of the Inner Conclave in this newest conversation between Aviv Shahar and Jeff Vander Clute. Jeff is a consultant and author of three recent books, including Beyond Every Teaching, a collection of transformative spiritual transmissions.

Among their insights:

  • There is an intelligence guiding the Inner Conclave — in each of us, and in humanity, which is in some sense an Inner Conclave for the super organism that is Homo Universalis, the universal human.
  • Any point where we think we finally figured out who we are, and become fixated, we've just arrested the next discovery about who we are becoming, which also has space and opportunity in the Inner Conclave.
  • We all have experienced embarrassment. Those spaces could contain the content that can unlock our creativity. Could years-old embarrassment be a misunderstanding we never had the circumstance to dissolve?
  • The gift we offer each other is that we are the space makers and the midwives of each other’s growth and possibility. Being with others will amplify and augment for us our own space.

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


“The first point was, hey, can we relax in the way we approach this? Can we relax into the discovery of the Inner Conclave? You don't need to change yourself, you don't need to think you ought to be somebody else. Actually, it's an invitation to integrate a part of you that you often leave out. So it is not about trying to get it right. It is really about discovering who you, who we, are becoming.” (Aviv)

“And as we seek to inhabit and liberate and unlock the domain of healing, the domain of art, the domain of leadership, the different teacher-guides that we may choose to cultivate, can we do so in an embodied way? Can I feel how they live in different parts of my system? Physically, energetically, and in my space?” (Aviv)


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Activating the Inner Conclave