Feb 02 2025 28 mins 1
The other day I was chatting with my teens about staying up late, and the thought came to me: “They don’t rebel because they have nothing to rebel against”. I’m not advocating for boundary-less and teaching-less homes… but you may be surprised to hear that you can parent teens without the rebellion, and with a deep and connected relationship, that lasts long past teenage-hood, and throughout their lifetime. Let’s start where I end the episode, “You’ll never regret loving them more”- me.
In today’s episode:
- My teen years, and how relationship and emotional safety impacted my rebellious-ness
- How parenting teens doesn’t need to be hard, and rebellion doesn’t need to be part of the path
- The magic of connection, communication and trust in cultivating a great relationship with your teen
- “Kids do well if they can”- digging into what’s happening below the surface of behaviour, instead of leaning into control (ie. rewards and punishments).
- How to believe and trust our teens, and in doing so increase our influence
Intuitive Journaling Prompts HERE and a somatic meditation (Move through frustration in 15 minutes or less) HERE
Get started on this work with daily practice in a journal (a great intro to mental and emotional wellness) HERE
Work with Crystal 1:1: www.coachcrystal.ca/miracle or in group: www.coachcrystal.ca/creationroom
Grab your copy of Crystal’s feelings wheel here: www.coachcrystal.ca/wheel