Dec 02 2024 28 mins
In this episode of Hiring to Firing, hosts Tracey Diamond and Emily Schifter delve into the critical topic of succession planning, drawing parallels with the popular TV show Succession. Joined by Jan Levine, an experienced attorney and executive coach, they discuss the importance of succession planning and its role in ensuring business continuity and leadership growth and development. The conversation covers managing transitions and practical steps for effective implementation of a succession plan, offering valuable insights for leaders and organizations.
Troutman Pepper's Labor + Employment Practice Group provides comprehensive thought leadership through various channels. We regularly issue advisories that offer timely insights into the evolving employment law landscape, and maintain the HiringToFiring.Law Blog, a resource spotlighting best practices for employers. Our Hiring to Firing Podcast, hosted by Tracey Diamond and new co-host Emily Schifter, delves into pressing labor and employment law topics, drawing unique parallels from pop culture, hit shows, and movies.