Hello to you listening in Hatboro, Pennsylvania!
Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk with 60 Seconds for Story Prompt Friday and your host, Diane Wyzga.
As my mom told it I refused to transition from toddler diapers to toddler big girl pull ups the traditional way. No matter how they enticed me I was not going to sit on the Little Human pot. I wanted up on the Big Human’s porcelain throne. Maybe my mother saw genius in my independence or maybe she was just harried with more babies coming along behind me every 18 months or so. She gave in. I did potty training my way.
But sad to say “my way” was not as often as you would think. That little girl’s voice got shut down and at times, forsaken in the din of the other voices, voices of authority, duty, obligation, and responsibility.
But here’s the thing. Her voice always was and still is her very own! Do you realize there is no other voice like yours? And never will be. Choose to use it.
Story Prompt: Somewhere in the long ago is a story about how you decided to do it your way, with your voice. Write that story!
Practical Tip: The magic of stories is also in the sharing. If you wish share your story with someone or something. All that matters is you have a story.
You’re always invited: “Come for the stories - stay for the magic!” Speaking of magic, would you subscribe and spread the word with a generous 5-star review and comment - it helps us all - and join us next time!
Meanwhile, stop by my Quarter Moon Story Arts website to:
✓ Check out Services I Offer,
✓ For a no-obligation conversation about your communication challenges, get in touch with me today
✓ Stay current with Diane on LinkedIn, as “Wyzga on Words” on Substack, and now Pandora Radio
Stories From Women Who Walk Production Team
Podcaster: Diane F Wyzga & Quarter Moon Story Arts
Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music
All content and image © 2019 to Present Quarter Moon Story Arts. All rights reserved.