Mar 07 2023 43 mins 1
Podcast 066| Selling Art at Round Top with Mary Gregory
7:22 “We built wooden walls and painted them white. That made all the difference. It just looked more like a gallery situation and cleaner and nicer. And it makes painting the picture so much easier, too.”
11:21 “It takes a lot out of you. So, the main thing for me is just to try to keep my mind on things above, just not getting too caught up in whatever's hard that's happening, and just try to eat well and drink lots of water.”
14:13 “And I'd say that's number one. It's just thinking about it in a way...with gratitude, that changes everything. But also, I like to have a nice book with me that I can just read something beautiful and uplifting.”
16:38 “Well, if you think it's going to be really easy and cakewalk, that's not true either. But I think, like you were saying, too, there are two different kinds of people. There are people like me who this is a little bit challenging for, but I do love it, but it is out of my comfort zone, for sure.”
17:32 “The most important thing, I think, is where you set up. You may be selling the most wonderful, best-made product or art in the world, but if you're in the wrong show, (which for people who don't know, there are hundreds and they all have their own flavor and attract a certain customer), you're not in the right place.”
20:22 “Your booth just needs to look inviting and welcoming. I think it's nice to put something at your entry. Some big ferns, big plants, flowers.”
21:52 “We're not going to take a sofa and a bunch of big furniture, but art just shows better, I think if there's a little bit of something homey looking.”
26:40 “With the last two shows, originals have outsold prints, which really go, and I'm so thrilled about that. So we try to get there with 75 to 100 paintings.”
32:11 “I think sometimes shows are hard and days are bad, and I think sometimes vendors get together and start grumbling and gaining. You just don't want that going on in your booth. You just have to kind of shoo people out if they think they're going to come and do that.”
Mary Gregory can’t remember a time that she wasn’t drawing, painting or making things. Her grandmother told her, at a very young age, that she was an artist. Mary believed her and has followed this path, though winding, all of her life.
It wasn’t until Mary’s daughters were grown and gone that she seriously pursued her art-as-business dream. Nature, from a butterfly wing to a vast landscape, as well as structures from houses to silos, are among her favorite subjects to paint. Sharing what she’s learned and encouraging others in their creativity is one of her favorite things to do.
Mary’s work has been featured in Country Living Magazine and The Cottage Journal as well as in Terrain and many other fine retail shops.
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