Apr 23 2024 24 mins
Panama is well known for the Canal that connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. With nearly 4 million inhabitants, the country has a high-income economy. However, inequality, poverty, and weak development of public services negatively affect the living conditions of many Panamenians. In October 2023 an agreement with a mining company was rejected by a series of protests that ended with the cancellation of the contract signed. The main focus of these protests were environmental concerns, and the youth the main actors. On May 5 the country will go to the polls. With these precedents in mind, in this first episode of “Who is voting 2024” we are asking: Are the youth revitalizing democracy in Panamá? With the participation of journalist Sabrina Bacal and political scientist Harry Brown Araúz. “Who is Voting in 2024?” is a podcast series hosted by AHCD researchers Laura Bullon-Cassis and Yanina Welp.