Feb 05 2025 23 mins
It’s impossible to stop self-comparison as a perfectionist. You.Are.Going.To.Compare.Yourself and here’s the best way to do it! Discover 6 empowering ways to rewire unhealthy self-comparisons, perfectionism trash trades, how to tell if you’re fear-based striving, live coaching on 4 IRL examples of comparing, the only skillset you need for this to work 100% of the time and a tool to instantly upgrade comparing yourself
On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, stop playing out worst case scenarios in your head or becoming JOYFULLY PRESENT AMBITIOUS again, Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at https://courtneylovegavin.com/rewire
01:26-Choosing Your Response to Comparisons
03:07-The Skill Set of CAKE
05:41-Trash Trades in Perfectionism
06:55-Healthy vs. Unhealthy Comparisons
08:47-How to Reframe Self-Critical Thoughts
09:25-Breaking Free from Fear-Based Striving
10:49-Living in the Present, Not the Future
15:52-What Self-Comparisons Actually Reveal
17:39-Tool to instantly upgrade comparing yourself
21:48-How Tiny, Mighty Progress Fuels You
Resources Mentioned In Episode 247:
- Perfect Start Introductory Session Single Coaching Session
- Comparing Yourself [PART ONE] Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 245
- How Can I Stop Comparing Myself [PART TWO] Perfectionism Rewired Eo. 246
- Meeting Yourself Where You Are Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 187
- Will Save Your Sanity(might change your life) Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 193
Olson, J. M., Buhrmann, O., & Roese, N. J. (2000). Comparing Comparisons. Handbook of Social Comparison, 379–398. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-4237-7_18
Sirois, F.M., Monforton, J. and Simpson, M. (2010) "If Only I Had Done Better": Perfectionism and the Functionality of Counterfactual Thinking. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 36 (12). 1675 - 1692. ISSN 0146-1672 https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167210387614
Stoeber, J., & Diedenhofen, B. (2017). Multidimensional perfectionism and counterfactual thinking: Some think upward, others downward. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 118–121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2017.07.009
Perfectionism Rewired is committed to neuroscience truth and accuracy through a perfectionist affirming lens, offering cutting-edge research on perfectionism, neuroplasticity + interoception techniques for the practical perfectionist who wants to enjoy the life you've worked so hard to create instead of obsolete advice to "overcome your perfectionism"