Dec 20 2024 90 mins 10
The United States and its allies face increasingly capable adversaries who have benefited from the recent proliferation of military technologies and a range of geographic advantages. The Pentagon cannot roll back technology, change the map, or out-build an opponent like China, so US forces will need to gain an edge through operational creativity and leveraging the software and commercial industries that make America’s economy the world’s largest and most vibrant.
The Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer (CDAO) leads the Department of Defense’s pursuit of an adaptable, software-defined force that can continuously evolve to stay ahead of rivals and take advantage of emerging technologies. Central to CDAO’s efforts are the Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories (Open DAGIR) initiative, enterprise data analytics tools, and the Global Information Dominance Experiments (GIDE). Together, these programs enable the US military to marry operational and technological innovation.
Join Hudson Senior Fellow Bryan Clark for an event with CDAO Dr. Radha Plumb, Deputy CDAO Margaret Palmieri, and defense industry representatives on CDAO’s progress in its first four years and how it can help give US forces a needed advantage against twenty-first-century opponents.
This event is not sponsored by the Department of Defense.