Jan 25 2024 18 mins
This week on the podcast, we discuss two things all pro-lifers should be keeping their eyes out for: the sex education programs making their way into schools around the nation, and the abortion views of their significant other. As we reveal, these two things are having a profound impact on countless people across the country.
If you are a man who needs healing from the abortion of your child, there are resources for you. Visit the Silent No More website or the Men and Abortion Website.
Topics Discussed:
- Schools teaching kids to get an abortion without parents knowledge
- The Reality of “Sex Education” in schools
- Would you date someone who’s Pro-Choice?
- “Girls” abortion scene goes viral years later
Links Mentioned:
- Northern Ireland parents strongly reject idea of teaching about access to abortion in schools - Catholic Review
- Planned Parenthood plans to infiltrate high schools - Washington Examiner
- Planned Parenthood’s Involvement in the Sexualization of America’s School Children is Deeply Disturbing - Independent Women’s Forum
- Washington elementary school launches investigation after students were given sex education material about puberty blockers, pubic hair art and 'gender wheel' with obscure pronouns - Daily Mail
- Wisconsin parents outraged over inappropriate sex education curriculum for elementary schools: 'Really bad’ - Fox News
- Canadian Province Bars Planned Parenthood From Schools Over Graphic ‘Sex: From A-Z’ Cards? - Daily Signal
- Planned Parenthood torched for advocating BDSM & kink: 'You want access to our kids in school?’ - Fox News
- The Dark Truth About Planned Parenthood: Sex Education - Life Dynamics Blog
- West Virginia lawmakers focus on culture war issues in schools and libraries - Weirton Daily Times
- What Happens After You Ask if Your Date Is Pro-Choice? - NY Times
- Girls Abortion Scene On Twitter
- Girls Abortion Scene On YouTube
- Men’s Abortion Testimonials
- The Under The Radar Report
- Rate & Review Our Podcast
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