Sep 10 2024 3 mins
Rooted introduces a new podcast focused on youth ministry in an Asian American context. It features a rotating panel of youth ministers who will talk about issues affecting Asian American youth and anyone ministering to them, whether in the home or in the church. This episode is a sample of what you will hear. The first full episode is available now at Or subscribe to the Asian American Youth Ministry Roundtable wherever you listen to podcasts.
Bios of Panelists
Dorothy Lau
Dorothy is the youth director at the Chinese Bible Church of Maryland (Rockville, MD) in the Washington D.C. metropolitan. She is passionate to serve the Lord through discipleship, musical worship, administration, and multimedia. Dorothy is a massive foodie, enjoys cooking for loved ones, and delights in trips to her home city of Chicago.
Huey Lee
Huey Lee has been serving the local church in the youth ministry context for over 15 years, and holds a Masters of Divinity from Biblical Theological Seminary. He currently serves as a Pastor of Youth Ministry at Christ Central Presbyterian Church in Centreville, VA. He is married to his beautiful wife, Alice, and they are parents to 4 sons: Matthew, Ethan, Christian, and Lucas. He loves reading, Korean food, a good cup of coffee, and the growing pains that come with learning to play golf.
Justin Wong
Justin serves as the Pastor of Youth at Chinese Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. He has worked with students, parents, and families for the past 23 years. He graduated from Houston Baptist University with a biology degree and later received his Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is currently finishing his Masters of Theology and Doctorate of Education from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married Tina and they have two girls, Ella and Mia.
Terrence Shay
Terrence serves as the Family Pastor at First Chinese Baptist Church, Walnut, located in Los Angeles County with the largest Asian population in the US. He has grown up in the immigrant church and believes unashamedly in its role to fulfill Jesus’ call to make disciples across all cultures and generations. He is gladly married to Regina and forever growing as a father of three children from middle school to college. He will go out of his way to cheer on LA sports (Lakers, Dodgers, UCLA Bruins) and to engage in a meaningful conversation.