Jan 16 2022 28 mins
The relationship between researchers and funders is complicated.
Some people think that researchers should be left to their own direction and that all financial support should be ‘no-strings attached.’ But is that possible? Is it desirable?
We look at how the Roman Colosseum was funded, and ask ‘what impact did that have on its design and its use?’
Then we turn our attention to NASA --- is the space agency funded by the military? Should it be? And how has its unique funding arrangement impacted what it does?
Finally we’ll confront the thorny question of ‘how much influence should funding agencies have over research?’
We will speak with Rachelle Bruton, the Director of the National Programs Office at the National Research Council of Canada, and Rachael Maxwell, the Executive Director of Evidence for Democracy.
These science stories from history help shed light on the modern research being done on Type 2 Diabetes. Specifically, we highlight the work of SciMar as they examine the hormone hepatalin and the effect it has on glucose levels in people who are living with type 2 diabetes. www.SciMar.ca
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