00:00 - 04:20 Turning the tables: Bret Scher the interviewer interviewed!
04:20 - 06:48 What made Bret change course?
06:50 - 08:17 If I'm having a heart attack I still want stents and statins!
08:20 - 14:40 Metabolic Psychiatry: What enticed Bret to move from DietDoctor to Metabolic Mind?
14:41 - 16:35 Graham's childhood experience growing up in a household surrounded by poor mental health
16:40 - 21:00 Defining mental health and Improving Brain Health!
21:01 - 24:44 What is Nutritional Ketosis and what are the benefits?
24:47 - 30:16 Poor mental health is a death sentence!
30:17 - 38:47 The link between poor metabolic health and poor mental health
38:48 - 44:52 Achieving remission of mental health symptoms via nutritional ketosis
44:53- 52:14 Next Steps: Clinical Trials for Nutritional Ketosis in Mental Health
52:20 - 58:14 Fighting the anti-Keto dogma