May 10 2021 42 mins 5
Welcome to Iteration, a podcast about programming, development, and design.
- John Intro — My name is John and I am a software developer for a home services startup.
- JP Intro — Hi, I'm JP and I am a software developer.
What makes a good 1:1 (IC perspective)?
- JP a manager who listens
- JP clear action items for problems
What makes a good 1:1 (Manager perspective)?
- John When reports are honest about motivations (I want more money, etc)
- John Clear feedback about my management
What makes a bad 1:1?
- JP when 1:1s just become another medium for standup updates
- JP when 1:1s become a way for your manager to micromanage
What do you talk about?
Basic framework John follows:
- private running doc between manager and report, either party can always add to it, reviewed on a regular cadence. I've found every 2 weeks to be really effective.
- This meeting is for building trust, context, sharing progress on goals, professional development things like that.
- Principles / concepts
- Focus on the report — 1:1's are primarily for the report, the employee, not for the manager or the company.
- 70/30 — Manager should be 70% listening less than 30% talking.
- Honesty — be direct. Forbidden conversations.
- Objective — Do the work to find objective examples, provide numbers and letter grades.
- Flexible — Don't overthink or over structure, let it flow, let report guide conversation
- Moneyball firing clip
- John:
- JP: Tailwind is coming out with official React support!