Dec 30 2024 68 mins 14
Ed Hardy is the most impactful tattooer of our time. Now that he no longer working, does his influence end?
[Watch this episode on YOUTUBE]
Ed's legendary San Francisco shop, Tattoo City, closed its doors for good yesterday. His publishing company, Hardy Marks no longer has him at the helm. Does his influence end now that these two huge vehicles for how he performed and shared his work are in his past?
While the shop is now gone, sadly, Ed handed the book publishing torch to a very capable team, Taki and Molly Kitamura. With the experience of making amazing books of their own, documenting and sharing pieces of tattoo culture and history (in a way reminiscent of Ed himself), I can't imagine Hardy Marks landing in the care of anyone better.
One of their first projects is reintroducing the Tattoo Time series, with new issues to come soon. Taki wanted to introduce their new editor, Ethan Dodge, a great writer among many other things.
Find Taki and Molly at STATE OF GRACE TATTOO in San Jose, CA
BOOKS CLOSED Podcast is made by Andrew Stortz
Find Andrew in Portsmouth, NH at Worship Tattoo