Jul 04 2024 39 mins 52
- John Papa @John_Papa
- Ward Bell @WardBell
- Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
- Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
- Chris Noring @chris_noring
Recording date: June 27, 2024
Brought to you by
- Chris on GitHub
- Chris on LinkedIn
- Chris on YouTube
- Softchris Blog
- Web API
- Load balancing APIs
- How to Validate a Business Idea
- API debounce
- Designing Azure Functions for identical input
- API Rate Limiting - Everything you need to know
- Polyfill.io - what you need to know
- Azure API Management - Overview and key concepts | Microsoft Learn
- API Management sample including Generative AI, genai-gateway-apim/README.md at main · Azure-Samples/genai-gateway-apim (github.com)
- Azure API Center: Centralize API Management for Better Discovery and Governance
- Introduction to Azure API Center - Training | Microsoft Learn
- 01:09 Introducing Chris Noring
- 03:06 What is a web API developer?
- 07:24 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 08:28 How should people manage their APIs?
- 13:38 Have you tried working without a database?
- 17:24 Is load balancing needed on smaller APIs?
- 21:44 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
- 22:37 The importance of API security
- 27:22 Why is developer experience that API management could help with?
- 37:44 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.