Apr 23 2023 49 mins 15
Today, I am speaking with Pooja Mahapatra, who is the Global Lead of Geospatial for Climate at Fugro, a Netherlands-based company focused on geotechnical and surveying services for monitoring infrastructure.
As you will hear from Pooja, geospatial data is central to Fugro's strategy and one of the fundamental technologies that power their products and services in the infrastructure, energy and water verticals. As such, they have an interesting approach to using satellite data in combination with other data sources such as aerial, drone and proprietary instruments for in-situ measurements.
In this episode, Pooja and I discuss what Fugro does, the role of Earth observation for the company, how they make a decision to use satellite data for solving a problem, building scalable solutions based on EO, the evolution of EO over the years and more.
01:12: Pooja's Intro
04:46: Overview of Fugro
08:30: Fugro's customers and use cases
12:40: The fundamental role of Earth observation for Fugro
20:04: Combining satellite data with other sources of data
22:59: Making a case for EO within the company
26:27: Picking scalable EO-based solutions
29:58: Working with the EO ecosystem
34:57: Evolution of EO over the years
43:18: Adoption of EO: In-housing vs Outsourcing
45:23: Wrap-up - what can the EO industry do better and magic wand wishes