episode 103 — vampire: the dark ages

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Mar 03 2025 61 mins   11

The other gamelines in the World of Darkness rarely engaged with Changeling very deeply, but now and then, a book would have a chunk of pages illuminating some new corner of the lore. We're looking to Vampire this week, and in particular the first Dark Ages corebook and the original Dark Ages Companion. This first edition of Dark Ages, using the second edition Vampire ruleset, was contemporaneous with early Changeling—and it shows. These two books show glimpses into fae conceptions that didn't quite make it into the deep history, let alone Dark Ages: Fae when that finally dropped, but we're curious about how they might still be of use. And beyond that, the rich setting information in this line is useful for anyone looking to set up a medieval Europe game that is more CtD than DA:F. We promise this is not a deep readthrough of 500 Vampire pages!

That being said, as promised, the Fishmalk:

Even mad vampires can use a friend once in a while!

The two books in question are available for purchase at https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/2672?affiliate_id=3063731 and https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/100?affiliate_id=3063731, respectively. We are available but not for purchase at:

your hosts

Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) rolls Chimerical Alchemy to distill dreamstuff into heraldic tinctures impossible for human eyes to discern.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) has successfully used the Ride Skill only once and on a camel.

Uns ist in alten maeren | wunders vil geseit
von heleden lobebaeren
| von grozer arebeit
von vroevden hohgeciten
| von weinen und von klagen
von chvener recken striten
| muget ir nu wunder hoeren sagen.

(We have been told in ancient tales many marvels / of famous heroes, of mighty toil, / joys and high festivities, of weeping and wailing, / and the fighting of bold warriors – of such things you can now hear wonders unending!)
The Nibelungenlied, tr. A.T. Hatto