Mar 13 2023 59 mins
It all starts with you! When you choose yourself over the outside, your life starts to shift. Anja invites people to a journey into themselves in order to shift their life as they desire, lived from the heart. Anja says: “As long as we can mentalize and cognitively navigate everything, we are safe because we don't need to feel. Feeling can be unsafe for us because it can unconsciously remind us on a situation where we felt helpless and overwhelmed, and we don't want to feel this way ever again.” When we experienced an emotionally overwhelming situation in our childhood, we split this experience off from our body and escape into our heads. We learn how to plan, study, work and perform but how do we feel? How can we feel our body? As Trauma Integration (IoPT) and Jikiden Reiki practitioner, Anja helps people to gently reconnect with their body, feelings and who they really are by supporting their innate physical, mental and emotional self-healing abilities. Anja´s work with Reiki and the IoPT trauma work, is in a way very similar with the tantra body work and the systemic coaching that I am using in my work. Two different approaches, however with the same intention.
Anja's contact details...
IoPT (Identityoriented Psychotrauma Theory) & Jikiden Reiki Sessions in English and German, 1on1, in person & online
Instagram: hands.on.our.hearts.healing
Facebook: Anja Jaskolski - Jikiden Reiki & Trauma Integration
Email: [email protected]
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