Sep 13 2024 40 mins 10
0:14 Moshe Schwed Intro
1:54 Eliezer Brodt Intro
3:50 R' Uri's background
5:45 Developing relationship with R' Chaim
9:24 R' Chaim's special room
12:30 Which seforim did you edit?
13:40 Videos with R' Chaim?
15:50 R' Chaim paid for the work?
16:50 Reprinting of the Shoneh Halochos
19:00 Nezer Hachaim
21:55 L'Dofkei B'Teshuva
25:00 Over 2000 comments from R' Chaim
29:00 Derech Ish on the Chazon Ish
35:00 Closing questions
1:54 Eliezer Brodt Intro
3:50 R' Uri's background
5:45 Developing relationship with R' Chaim
9:24 R' Chaim's special room
12:30 Which seforim did you edit?
13:40 Videos with R' Chaim?
15:50 R' Chaim paid for the work?
16:50 Reprinting of the Shoneh Halochos
19:00 Nezer Hachaim
21:55 L'Dofkei B'Teshuva
25:00 Over 2000 comments from R' Chaim
29:00 Derech Ish on the Chazon Ish
35:00 Closing questions