1:41 Kuntres Zichronos of R' Chaim about the Chazon Ish
2:55 What did R' Chaim do?
5:03 Mishna Berurah in the name of the Arizal
5:50 Shulchan Oruch Harav
7:35 What are the origins?
9:03 Rambam
11:02 Knesset HaGedolah and Olas Tamid
12:28 Magen Avrohom and Arizal
14:00 Source of the Magen Avhrhom in the name of Arizal
16:55 Achronim on Magen Avrohom in שמ'ג, Gemarah in Menchos
19:45 R' Yaakov Emden
20;26 Chida and Derech Chaim
27:20 Rashi In Shabbos
29:00 Every Minute that a Mezuzah is a Mitzvah
33:00 Thinking about 6 Mitzvos Temedios in the Bathroom?
34:30 Dovid Hamelech and sleeping when learning
35:40 A Melech Sleeping with a Sefer Torah and the Rambam
40:50 The Aderes and time of story of Dovid Hamelech in the bathhouse
42:40 Chazon Ish wearing a Talis for Maariv
43:16 Kabbalah and wearing a Talis Gadol at night
2:55 What did R' Chaim do?
5:03 Mishna Berurah in the name of the Arizal
5:50 Shulchan Oruch Harav
7:35 What are the origins?
9:03 Rambam
11:02 Knesset HaGedolah and Olas Tamid
12:28 Magen Avrohom and Arizal
14:00 Source of the Magen Avhrhom in the name of Arizal
16:55 Achronim on Magen Avrohom in שמ'ג, Gemarah in Menchos
19:45 R' Yaakov Emden
20;26 Chida and Derech Chaim
27:20 Rashi In Shabbos
29:00 Every Minute that a Mezuzah is a Mitzvah
33:00 Thinking about 6 Mitzvos Temedios in the Bathroom?
34:30 Dovid Hamelech and sleeping when learning
35:40 A Melech Sleeping with a Sefer Torah and the Rambam
40:50 The Aderes and time of story of Dovid Hamelech in the bathhouse
42:40 Chazon Ish wearing a Talis for Maariv
43:16 Kabbalah and wearing a Talis Gadol at night