May 01 2022 24 mins 5
The conversion of Paul–from persecutor of Christians to missionary disciple–is one of the most dramatic in the Christian tradition. In this episode of Imagine, we’ll reflect on the story as told in the Acts of the Apostles. In the years following Jesus' death and resurrection, Saul of Tarsus was actively working to persecute the early church. He asked for permission from the High Priest to go to Damascus to arrest and persecute the Christians there. While on the journey, a bright light shone around him and he heard the voice of Jesus. This experience left him blind until a disciple of Jesus found him in Damascus, restored his sight, and baptized him. Known thenceforth as "Paul", his story reminds us that no matter our past, Jesus calls us to join him in spreading the Good News of God’s love and mercy.
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