Dec 22 2019 45 mins 3
The UK is the fifth largest economy and has some of the cheapest bread in the world - is that something to be proud of, or is it a convenient outcome of a system that prioritises shareholder profit, fobs off economically deprived people with poor quality food, and throws away a third of what it produces?
It’s so ingrained in us that cheap food is better for everyone, but in this episode we ask you to stop and really think - are we supporting a system that is efficient for lining the pockets of a few, whilst impoverishing everyone else?
What if the real cost is our collective health, and the health of the planet?
Bread is not just money, bread is nourishment, deliciousness, companionship, connectedness, pride, politics.
In this episode we hear from bakers up and down the UK who are redefining the value of bread. Bakers who are making a stand for their communities and the planet.
Bakers from some of the most economically deprived areas who are bringing meaning, intention and joy to their baking. Bakers who are being recognised for their craft and sharing the benefits with their local communities.
This is about food networks, not food chains -- this is about reaching true efficiency that takes into account the whole system (health, environment, waste, community, joy), not just the financial balance sheet.
The radical changes that bread has undergone are revealing of much wider truths about our relationships with food, to farmers, with the land, the environment, and with each other. If you eat food, you have a stake in this story.
Chris MacCormack, Govanhill bread man
Theo Laffargue, Riverside Bakery, Stirling, Scotland
Ben MacKinnon, E5 Bakehouse, London
Catriona Milligan, High Rise Bakers,The Gorbals, Glasgow
Rupert Dunn, Torth y Tir, Wales
Kimberley Bell, Small Food Bakery, Nottingham
It’s so ingrained in us that cheap food is better for everyone, but in this episode we ask you to stop and really think - are we supporting a system that is efficient for lining the pockets of a few, whilst impoverishing everyone else?
What if the real cost is our collective health, and the health of the planet?
Bread is not just money, bread is nourishment, deliciousness, companionship, connectedness, pride, politics.
In this episode we hear from bakers up and down the UK who are redefining the value of bread. Bakers who are making a stand for their communities and the planet.
Bakers from some of the most economically deprived areas who are bringing meaning, intention and joy to their baking. Bakers who are being recognised for their craft and sharing the benefits with their local communities.
This is about food networks, not food chains -- this is about reaching true efficiency that takes into account the whole system (health, environment, waste, community, joy), not just the financial balance sheet.
The radical changes that bread has undergone are revealing of much wider truths about our relationships with food, to farmers, with the land, the environment, and with each other. If you eat food, you have a stake in this story.
Chris MacCormack, Govanhill bread man
Theo Laffargue, Riverside Bakery, Stirling, Scotland
Ben MacKinnon, E5 Bakehouse, London
Catriona Milligan, High Rise Bakers,The Gorbals, Glasgow
Rupert Dunn, Torth y Tir, Wales
Kimberley Bell, Small Food Bakery, Nottingham