The Disappearance of Amy Robinson and a recipe for Mini Powdered Donut Muffins

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Dec 20 2023 27 mins  

Anne bakes up memory-inducing Mini Powdered Donut Muffins that remind the sisters of their youth. These powdery pillows of softness are perfect for Christmas morning.

Karen recounts the horrifying details of the kidnapping and torturous killing of Amy Robinson in Arlington, Texas. Amy was kind, dependable, and dedicated to her future; she was preyed upon by two heartless beasts. This case begs the question: Are murderers born to kill, or does their environment make them killers?

#TurnersSyndrome #victimology #murderplot #kidnapping #missingperson #shallowgrave #truecrimestories #karendevanie #annevarner #sugarcoatedmurder #truecrime #eggnog

Karen's sources:

Oxygen True Crime, Prosecuting Evil, episode S1 E4